Grenoble Traffic Lab (GTL) is an experimental platform for real-time collection of traffic data coming from a dense network of wireless sensors installed in the south ring of Grenoble, direction east-west from A41 to A480. The main components of GTL are: 130 magneto-resistive sensors over the 10.5 km two-lanes highway (26 collection points), a database and a show-room. Sensors provide macroscopic traffic measurements such as flow [veh./h], speed [km/h], occupancy [%]. They were put in place in collaboration with local traffic authorities (DIR-CE) and Karrus-ITS. The objective of the GTL is to collect dense data at high frequency. Data are intended for testing new traffic prediction algorithms, validating traffic mathematical models, and evaluating on-line traffic indexes.
GTL Operation. GTL is operated by NeCS team (a joint Inria/GIPSA-Lab team-project supported by CNRS, Inria, INPG and UGA), in collaboration with DIR-CE at Grenoble.
Project status This project is not maintained anymore, sensors are not connected and we don't have access to the various datasources anymore.
Current version: 1.1.2
GTL contributors:
  • Research engineers: V. Bertrand, R. Piotaix, I. Bellicot, P. Bellemain, A. Andreev
  • PhD students: A. Ladino-Lopez, L. León-Ojeda
  • Post-docs: E. Lovisari, F. Morbidi
  • NeCS staff: C. Canudas-de-Wit, H. Fourati, F. Garin, A. Kibangou
Further information:
  • Equipment and human resources of the project have received funding from several sources: UGA, HYCON2, MoCoPo, SPEEDD, ERC-AdG Scale-FreeBack, and the Inria DTI program (ADT).

Data download

We gladly share the data we gather from our sensors to partners interested in using it for research or experiments purposes.
Imputed data from January 2019 can be openly downloaded here .
We provide data for occupancy, counting and average speed aggregated over 5 minutes for each section of the rocade (total 21 + 4 queues).
This data is computed from the raw data and the missing data is corrected by our algorithms.